Data wydarzenia:

Seminarium IOA - mgr Jakub Tokarek

Zapraszamy na seminarium pt.: "Observations and characterization of hierarchical systems based on ground observations and data from the Gaia space mission". Seminaria odbywają się co tydzień, w czwartki o godz. 13:00 w budynku Obserwatorium Astronomicznego UAM przy ul. Słonecznej 36.

Data: 19 maj 2022
Referat wygłosi: mgr Jakub Tokarek (IOA UAM)

The talk will be based on the doctoral dissertation, which will concern the modelling and refinement of eclipsing binary star models, in particular those located in hierarchical systems. Binary and multiple systems make up the majority of observed stars. Since more than 50% of the stars in the vicinity of the Sun are multiple systems, we can assume that a similar situation occurs throughout the Galaxy. As Gaia provides us with new data on stars, a new method will be developed that allows determination of the probability of physical bonding of two visual components of a system. This method will then be used to discover new hierarchical systems. In addition, it is planned to study the statistical relationship between the physical characteristics of close binary systems and companion stars that are in wide orbits and to use the Wilson-Devinney method implemented in the PHOEBE project to accurately model several eclipsing systems to understand the parameters of the system. Data will come from the PST1 telescope observations (archival and future) and the Gaia space mission.

Język wykładu: jęz. angielski.