Data wydarzenia:

Seminarium IOA - prof. Paweł Kankiewicz

Zapraszamy na seminarium Instytutu Obserwatorium Astronomiczne. Seminaria odbywają się co tydzień, w czwartki o godz. 13:00 w budynku Obserwatorium Astronomicznego UAM przy ul. Słonecznej 36.

Data: 11 kwietnia 2024

Referat wygłosi: prof. Paweł Kankiewicz (UJK)

Tytuł:  "Chaotic indicators for retrograde asteroids"

Asteroids in retrograde orbits, known briefly as retrograde asteroids, have relatively short lifetimes in the Solar System. It can be assumed that almost all of them are orbiting in highly chaotic trajectories. Quantitatively, it is possible to estimate this using suitable parameters that measure the rate of chaotic expansion of close trajectories. Since we are mostly dealing with problems solved strictly numerically, an obvious solution is the application of Lyapunov indicator and a related parameter known as MEGNO (Mean Exponential Growth factor of Nearby Orbits). In the current work, I would like to present a novel and very flexible software that allows the simulation, quantitative estimation and imaging of the chaotic behaviour of retrograde asteroids, designed using astronomical Python language modules. The comprehensive solution allows flexible use of astronomical databases, instant updating with new observational data, testing of different perturbation models and linking results to observational errors.

Język: angielski

Forma spotkania: wykład osobisty

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