Data wydarzenia:

Seminarium IOA - dr Yurij Krugly

Zapraszamy na seminarium pt.: "Photometry and polarimetry of near-Earth asteroids"

Seminaria odbywają się co tydzień, w czwartki o godz. 13:00 w budynku Obserwatorium Astronomicznego UAM przy ul. Słonecznej 36.

Data: 17 listopad 2022

Referat wygłosi: dr Yurij Krugly (IOA and Kharazin University, Kharkiv, Ukraine)


The investigation of physical properties of NEAs through systematic CCD observations has been carried out at the Institute of Astronomy of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University since 1995. It includes obtaining the rotation parameters, sizes and shapes of NEAs with an increased interest in the study of newly discovered and potentially hazardous objects. The observations are carried out within the framework of wide international cooperation.

In the presentation, I will focus on various aspects and results of these photometric and polarimetric observations:
(1) Discovery and study of binary NEAs;
(2) Observational confirmation of YORP and BYORP;
(3) Estimation of albedo and composition type by polarimetric observations.

Język wykładu: angielski