Data wydarzenia:

Seminarium IOA - dr Vincent Robert

Zapraszamy na seminarium Instytutu Obserwatorium Astronomiczne. Seminaria odbywają się co tydzień, w czwartki o godz. 13:00 w budynku Obserwatorium Astronomicznego UAM przy ul. Słonecznej 36.

Data: 16 maja 2024

Referat wygłosi: dr Vincent Robert (IMCCE & IPSA, France)

Tytuł: NAROO program: digitalization of photographic plates

Streszczenie: The NAROO program has been created at Paris Observatory, Meudon, as a unique centre dedicated to the digitization and the analysis of old astro-photographic plates for scientific purposes, only. The renewed interest about photographic plates concerns the expansion of the database of transient objects evolving in time, since 1) digitization now makes it possible to measure images with a high level of accuracy and to identify all the available objects, 2) the arrival of the Gaia reference catalogs allows to realize reductions for past observations with today accuracy. The information extracted from such materials can be of an astrometric, photometric, and spectroscopic nature, when not purely imaging, with consequences in planetology, near-Earth asteroid risk assessment, astrophysical phenomena, and general relativity, to mention but a few. We will present technical details about the installation, then results of the first large scientific campaigns derived form planetary plates (Jupiter) and Sky surveys plates (NEO precoveries).

Język: angielski

Forma spotkania: wykład zdalny